Saturday, February 28, 2009

Facebook Is Up Again!

Hey, everyone. We have a Facebook profile again! We joined as a business this time, so be sure to join the 'Steve Ray Photography' group! We will be posting all of the photos from the group only this time.


Friday, February 27, 2009

More Musical Paparazzi

Musical Paparazzi

Apparently, people involved in the Somerset Musical have been distressed over the absence of the Facebook photos. So I will post a number of them here.

Facebook Update

Just a quick update to say that there really is no update. Facebook is not responding to us. We are attempting to figure out a way to at least get an answer regarding their reason for cancelling our account. We truly apologize, especially to Somerset Musical, to everyone who had linked to photos we posted there. This was, after all, the main reason we had that account.

-Steve Ray Slater

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Facebook Problems

Not sure why yet, but Facebook has disabled our account. To our knowledge, we have not violated any of their TOS. Hopefully we have this resolved soon and you can continue to visit us there.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Graffiti Night

Hey everyone! Just a note to remind you that May 16, 2009 is Graffiti Night. We will be providing all Graffiti supplies, so all you have to do is show up and put some street flair on the Graffiti wall! Give Maria a call to RSVP. (Rumor is she'll have snacks and refreshments!) Exact times will be set closer to the date. Come create your own class backdrop!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Breya's 3 Month Shots

Breya is a beautiful 3 month old that has been in front of my camera since she was still inside mommy. Here are a couple shots from her 3 month session.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Website is Online!

Finally. The new site is online and ready for everyone to see. Currently, we have the High School Senior and Wedding sections/galleries up. Soon to follow will be the other Portrait sections (Expecting/Newborn, Babies, Children, Family, etc.)

We truly hope everyone enjoys it!

Steve Ray Slater