Sunday, May 30, 2010

Somerset Powderpuff 2010

We were fortunate enough to make it to the powderpuff game at Somerset Area High School.  We are glad because it was a lot of fun.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Penn Lines Magazine Interview

A couple months ago, Steve and Maria were interviewed for Penn Lines Magazine. Here is a link to the article on the 2nd and 3rd pages.

Penn Lines Article

Chelsea J. Senior Session

Chelsea was one excited senior. She came to us full of ideas and we were able to include many of them. Here is her video of her session proofs.

Brandan M. Senior Session

Brandan's mother, Kim, told us how much Brandan loved different video games. We just HAD to incorporate that into his Senior Portraits. We ended up talking in length about our favorites. He also loved the Black Jeans. Here is a sample of his session:

North Star Softball Team

We did the Team photo for the North Star Softball Team. We did things a little differently this year. We actually took all of the photos separately and made a team photo from that. The girls LOVED it. They had a lot of fun during the session too!