Friday, June 25, 2010

Jake W. Senior Portrait Session

Jake included everything that was important to him into his session, namely his truck, his tractor, his bike, his girlfriend and his sister. He had a great time. Take a look at his video to see them all.

Tyler L. Senior Portrait Session

Tyler came to us for our Dirt bike shots and got many other locations with it.  He loved every one of them.  I still think his favorite is the dirt bike, though.  Watch his video and you decide.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sarah and Scott's Wedding Video

Sarah and Scott had a beautiful wedding and rain held out long enough to have the ceremony in a wonderful outside garden. Here is the video of their day!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Jocelyn H. Senior Video

Jocelyn came to us with some interesting props and ideas. We used some really great locations including her very scenic back yard.

2010 Somerset Area Graduation

Here is the Class of 2010 from Somerset Area High School!  Congratulations Graduates!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Leanne T. Senior Video

Leanne brought some great outfits. Most of the outfits had a story to go with them. We had both a great outdoor and indoor session. Here is her video of her session:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jenny and Kevin's Wedding

Jenny and Kevin's wedding was a fun day in spite of the serious rainstorms that day. They didn't let that ruin their sunny day! Enjoy this video of their special time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sarah S. Senior Session

During Sarah's session, We flirted with bad weather but managed to get a lot of great shots.  The water was a little high from recent rain, but she was able to pose along side the stream.  Here is the video that we created of her session.